OudAttar, What is Oud?, Sunnamusk, BlackOud, Al Qasr Perfumes, Vintage Oud, Oud Oil, Oud Perfume

The hidden royal secrets of Oud...

For many centuries, Oud has been appreciated by the wealthy and powerful, from kings to queens and beyond. It has been used to signify status, wealth and elegance, and it remains one of the most popular fragrances in the world today and rightfully so as some Ouds can cost more than their weight in gold.


Known as the ‘King of Perfumes’, Oud has been used for centuries as a symbol of royal power, offering a unique and prestigious scent that sets it apart from other luxury fragrances. Its mysterious and alluring aroma has been a favorite of royalty in many cultures, including the Middle East, India, Europe, and beyond.

The history of Oud dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who used it to scent the air and their clothing. They believed that the scent of Oud was a sign of wealth. Oud was also used to scent the tombs of Pharaohs, and has been linked to the royal courts of ancient times.

Oud is produced from a type of tree called Aquilaria, which is found in Southeast Asia and parts of India. The tree produces a dark, aromatic resin when it is infected by a type of fungus. This resin is known as oud or agarwood and is highly sought after due to its unique smell.

The process of producing oud oil begins with harvesting the Aquilaria trees. The trees are carefully selected and the infected wood is then dried and cut into small pieces. The pieces are then placed in a distillation vessel, along with water and steam, where the oil is extracted and the water evaporates. The oil is then filtered and stored for aging. The aging process of the oud oil is essential to the production of the fragrance. During this process, the oil is exposed to sun and air.

In more recent times, Oud has been used by royalty in the Middle East and India to signify their status and wealth. It is often associated with royalty in these regions, and is used in special ceremonies and celebrations. In India, Oud is known as ‘attar.’

The scent of Oud is said to be one of the most powerful and seductive fragrances in the world, and it is no wonder that it is so popular among the elite. Its luxurious and exotic aroma is often used to signify wealth, power and sophistication.


At Sunah Oils, we offer a wide range of Oud perfumes and oils that are perfect for any occasion. Our range includes classic Oud oils such as Oud, Musk and Amber, as well as special blends that are perfect for those looking for something unique. Whether you’re looking to make a statement or simply want to add a touch of luxury to your wardrobe, our Oud perfumes and oils are the perfect choice.

So, if you’re looking to discover the hidden secrets of Oud, explore our range today and experience the luxurious and exotic scents of this ancient perfume. With our range of Oud perfumes and oils, you can enjoy the same scent of luxury and sophistication that has been enjoyed by the wealthy and powerful for centuries.

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